In China, UNCDF is partnering with regional and municipal-level government agencies to establish innovation challenges with start-ups and incumbents to deepen impact at the last mile, in addition to releasing publications that can share China’s experience in using digital financial services to improve financial inclusion.
Digital finance in China
Banked Population
Mobile Penetration
Rural Population
Gender Gap in Ownership of Bank Account
UNCDF Workshop to explore learnings from China’s experience using technology to advance development
UNCDF’s First activity in China
New research highlights financial health of gig workers in Malaysia and China
December 21, 2020
Women entrepreneurs and Artificial Intelligence in Anhui Province, China
September 9, 2020
Digital financial services in rural China: UNCDF organizes field visits for international guests
September 04, 2019
This new initiative follows the launch of a similar programme in Malaysia. With the extensive experience of UNCDF in 40 countries, this programme in China is a great opportunity to stimulate South-South dialogue around innovation in digital financial services. The aim of these new initiatives is to improve the financial health of people in rural areas who are currently struggling to make ends meet and access basic services.
CEO of Metlife China